We will be closed on Monday, March 31 in recognition of Cesar Chavez Day and will reopen on Tuesday, April 1.
HIV testing – we will screen you for HIV using the INSTI rapid test. If your test is reactive, we will confirm using 4th generation blood testing.
3-site testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia. We test pharyngeal (throat), genital (penis or vagina), and rectal (butt).
Testing for syphilis
Treatment for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) – this is a medication you can take up to 72 hours after being exposed to HIV that can prevent you from becoming HIV positive.
PrEP-initiation, including an initial visit and labs
Follow-up PrEP visits, excluding kidney function testing
Rapid initiation of HIV treatment for newly diagnosed patients
Re-initiation of HIV treatment for patients living with HIV who are out of care
Contact Us
Have questions about our Rapid Results program? Send us a message below, or call 424-245-3486.